Own Your Future
(Image from Pixabay)
Own Your Future
‘Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you.’
John C. Maxwell
I fully subscribe to the idea that we all have the capability to design the future we want for ourselves and determine the future self we want to become. Whether that is the future life, career or relationships we want, so choose wisely.
Mindset is all about how you play your inner game. It is a choice point, a time for decision and a commitment to action. I love the idea that people behave the way they do because you are there. It speaks directly to the fact that how we are in any given moment creates reactions and perceptions in the people we are with.
We can always choose to be intentional about interacting with others to get the best and the most out of any situation. We know this.
Think of a time when you were playing a lesser game and allowed yourself to react in a way that was all about you. Perhaps you were petty in an argument, maybe you pointed out someone else’s flaws and enjoyed it a little too much, or you wouldn’t speak up when asked in the meeting but engaged in passive-aggressive chat in the corridor afterwards.
We can all think of these times – I certainly can. But none of us ever got any better by doing that stuff, and it doesn’t help create the type of personal brand you want.
It’s always all about choice. We decide how we interact. We get to decide if we will play the small game or keep focused on the bigger game. We choose if we want to become the leader we always wanted to be – or not.
So, what do you decide?
Once you have decided, make sure you commit and then move on to creating the big picture of your dreams so you can take action and live your life by design.
Need Some Help?
If you would like some help identifying what you truly want in the future but have difficulty in formulating that picture for yourself, then let’s chat.
Alternatively, you could grab a copy of my book Inside Out: Why Leadership Starts With You.
Something to think about…
Lead with impact,